Combating Doubts While Getting Ready for Defence Exams

Before a government exam, stress or anxiety can become incredibly overwhelming and have the potential to put you in a persistently negative frame of mind. Your study attempts will suffer, and your mental health will also suffer as a result. No matter how well-prepared you are, this will not seem to go your way if you are too tense before the exam. Stress and anxiety have the ability to stop individuals in their tracks. Some people have unexpected surges of anxiousness that prevent them from breathing normally.

The more our brains dwell on a situation, the more difficult it can be to deal with anxiety. Anxiety might increase when a student studies alone and repeatedly considers unfavourable outcomes. Group study has been demonstrated to significantly reduce anxiety levels. A great option for controlling anxiety is to enrol in a school or coaching facility. In Chandigarh, there are reputable CDS coaching in chandigarh. Anxiety is minimised because to the group setting and a faculty that adheres to a set syllabus. After attending these institutions, students claim to be calm and collected before exams.

If you’re one of the students who struggles with stress and anxiety, there are many ways you can manage it:

Get some exercise and fresh air:

Anyone will become fatigued after spending hours upon hours studying. Almost all of us have at some point in our lives attempted staring at books all day and attempting to cram every bit of knowledge into our heads. However, this method causes fatigue and causes students to become bogged down in their own negative thoughts. Setting aside at least 30 minutes for exercise as you study for your test is a quick fix for this. Your muscles become more relaxed as a result, and the dopamine and cortisol that cause stress are also increased.

Don’t pay attention to everything you hear:

The brain can become overloaded with too many various types of advice, making it more difficult to organise and choose the best course of action. It is not advisable to heed every piece of advise you are given because different people process information in various ways. Choose a strategy that works for you and follow it. Plan your day to suit your learning preferences, and don’t waver. When you are confident in the strategy you have selected and you are seeing results, you will experience less tension.

Have a discussion:

It can be exhausting for your already-tired mind to ruminate and keep returning to the same subject. Try to focus on the positives during these anxious periods, and if you can, talk to a trusted adult or close friend. The greatest person to talk to is someone who has already gone through the situation you are worried about. You’ll discover that following their recommendations will make you feel better, and they might even give you stress-reduction guidance.

Have Faith in Yourself:

Make sure your self-confidence is constantly at its highest and that you have faith in yourself. Even if things are not going your way, try not to give up. Anxiety makes it seem as though everything is going wrong and there is no hope for the future. Since it only exists in our own minds, this is far distant from the truth. You can maintain your motivation and move forward by taking a step back and considering your past successes.

Establish Healthy Routines:

You can maintain your mental clarity and attention by planning your day well and eating a balanced diet. Additionally, studies have shown a connection between healthy diet and mental wellbeing. Junk food should be avoided at all costs because it rarely relieves stress and is bad for your health. Additionally, getting enough sleep at the correct time is essential for a healthy mind. AFCAT coaching in Chandigarh also remarked that having set class times keep students on the correct path. With a regular schedule, you can make sure that your thoughts are focused on the task at hand and that there is little to no opportunity for intrusive negative ideas.


Even the most diligent students occasionally struggle with ruminating and negative thoughts. Negative thoughts may be managed, though, with enough persistence, a sensible timetable, and a supportive network that understands. Students who develop good habits will position themselves for success and will approach any government exam with a positive outlook.